Rob Super Blog

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Past Life Quiz

A fun little quiz. Apparently in a past life I was a penguin.

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Memory Improvement Techniques

I'm always having trouble remembering people names. Here is a guide I found packed full of tips on how to remember everything from simple lists to peoples name. Names are the hardest for me, I still don't know every ones name at work


Friday, April 28, 2006

Steve Jobs says, Forthcoming Products, "The Best I've Ever Seen in My Life"

"the 3 executives remained typically tight-lipped about Apple's future product plans. When pressed about what product to expect in the future, Jobs said, "I can't tell you." However, Apple's CEO didn't let secrecy stop his enthusiasm for those secret products. "The new products in the pipeline are the best I've ever seen in my life," Jobs said."

Please Please release a media center Steve, PLEASE!

read more | digg story

Complete list of Google tools

Everyone knows Google, but there is more to Google then just search. Tools exist for just about everything.

Here is a detailed list of Google many tools. Check it out. Knowledge is power.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

IT Certifications are Less IMPORTANT!

Finally, companies are realizing that a certification is worth less then the paper its written on.

read more | digg story

Use files, not a database!

Interesting discussion on databases. From my own personal experience databases can be a great evil in an application. I say if you can get away without using, do it. Databases seam like a great idea to start, but the become a huge problem over time.

Welcome to Rob Super Blog,

I'm going to be filling up this blog with links to interesting articles. A new post each day!